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Trump announces he 'started the wall'

The US President has responded to the accusations of a harsh immigration policy, after a handful of photographs of school-aged immigrant children, held behind fences in detention centers, ignited social media.

President Donald Trump blamed the Democrats for bad legislation on immigration in his recent tweet.

Earlier in May, Trump stated that he would not give his approval to any immigration bill which would not mention a wall on the Mexican border, and slammed current US immigration laws, including the Green Card lottery, the "catch and release" policy, and chain immigration.

Donald Trump has also declared that the federal government asked Governors from border states to deploy between 2,000 and 4,000 National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border to strengthen border patrol agents.

In March, the US Congress passed a spending bill which included $1.6 billion in appropriations to build the wall, although it was less than the $25 billion sought by the Trump administration.

00:50 06.06.2018