The Cabinet of Ministers has amended the rules for foreign donors obtaining the right to give grants in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan..
According to the rules, for each grant contract foreign donors must obtain the right to give grants in Azerbaijani territory. To obtain the grant, the Ministry of Finance's opinion on the financial and economic feasibility of the grant is required. In order to get the Ministry of Finance's opinion on the financial and economic feasibility of the grant and have the grant contract registered, foreign donors must appeal to the Ministry of Economy in relation to commercial organizations, to the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations in relation to religious associations, and to the Ministry of Justice in relation to non-commercial organizations and individuals on the basis of the “single window principle” within 30 days. According to the amendment, the Finance Ministry's opinion on the financial and economic feasibility of the grant will be required to obtain the right of granting grants to legal entities in the territory of Azerbaijan by foreign donors.
According to the amendment, the Finance Ministry's opinion on the financial and economic feasibility of the grant will be required of foreign donors to obtain the right to give grants to legal entities in the territory of Azerbaijan. At the same time, in order to get the Ministry of Finance's opinion on the financial and economic feasibility of the grant and have the grant contract registered, foreign donors must appeal to the Ministry of Economy in relation to public legal entities on the basis of the “single window principle” within 30 days.