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Venezuela: Opposition appoints parallel Supreme Court

Venezuela’s opposition-controlled National Assembly, appointed on Friday, a parallel Supreme Court in its offensive against President Nicolas Maduro’s government.

Opposition lawmakers who gathered in a public square of eastern Caracas cited 33 alternative magistrates to the court whose pro-government members have been giving unwavering support to Maduro’s politics and decisions.

"We won’t give up. Venezuela will have a Supreme Court and institutions at the service of the people and a new leader soon," opposition congressman Carlos Berrizbeitia said.

Venezuela’s top court warned Friday that naming alternate judges is “illegal” and could lead to jail.

“Any citizen who intends to name himself as a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, commits an illegal and flagrant violation of the constitutional norms. Such an offense is considered a usurpation of functions, among others”, said Supreme Court.Justice Juan Jose Mendoza.

The opposition continues to put pressure on Maduro’s government that wants to elect on July 30, a Constituent Assembly that will have the power to rewrite the Constitution as Venezuelan grapple under an economic crisis that has led to shortages of basic goods and soaring inflation, due in part to low crude oil prices.

Opposition leaders said they would organize massive protests in the coming days, beginning Saturday.

A 24-hour general strike paralyzed streets in major cities Thursday, as businesses were shuttered and public transport stalled.

As some areas of Caracas rioted, police and soldiers used tear gas and buck shots on protesters blocking streets.

According to prosecutors, three people died Thursday, raising the death toll in the ongoing wave of anti-government demonstrations to 100 since April.

Authorities said Friday that 367 people were detained during the strike.

23:18 22.07.2017