On July 16 and 17, 1942, the French police arrested about 13,000 Jews, later they were sent to Auschwitz.
According to France 24, Netanyahu will arrive in Paris tomorrow. In France, a number of organizations, including the French Jewish Union for Peace, oppose that the Prime Minister of Israel take part in events dedicated to one of the darkest pages in the history of France. They say that this event should not be politicized, and it should remain a purely French matter.
Netanyahu was last in France in January 2015, and his current visit will allow him to personally get to know the new president of France and assess what role Macron is going to play in the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. During a recent meeting with Abu Mazen, MacRon confirmed France's support for the idea of two states and condemned the Israeli colonization, voicing the traditional French diplomatic position on this issue. However, Macron did not specify whether he planned to develop the initiative of his predecessor Francois Hollande, who advocated an international approach to resolving the conflict. In January 2017, Olland organized an international conference on the Middle East, provoking Israeli protests.