The murdering innocent civilians, especially children are against humanity, human rights and democratic principles. Azerbaijan suffers from Armenia’s military aggression and terror bloody acts for more 20 years.
The latest bloody act against Azerbaijani civilians shows Armenia’s aggression and violation of international laws and conventions about human rights etc. again to the international community.
On July 4 at 20:40 the Armenian armed forces subjected to fire Alkhanli village of Fuzuli district aiming to kill population and destroy the property of citizens using 82 and 120-millimeter mortars and heavy grenade launchers. As a result of the provocation of Armenia, villagers Guliyeva Sahiba Idris (born in 1966) and her granddaughter Guliyeva Zahra Elnur (born in 2015) were killed. Guliyeva Sarvinaz Iltifat (born in 1965), who has got fragment wounds as a result of the shelling, has been taken to the military hospital and was operated on.
International community witnessed the 2 years old Zahra Guliyeva’s killing as
a result of Armenia’s provocation. Such bloody acts threat stability and peacebuilding process in the Caucasus region. Though Azerbaijan does his best in solving Nagorno Karabakh conflict peacefully in the frame of negatations with support of OSCE Minsk Group co chairs, unfortunately Armenia continues its vandalism bloody acts violationg the requirements of international laws that is not acceptable for worldwide.
The Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict still remains the largest threat to stability in the South Caucasus region. Unfortunately 20 % territory of Azerbaijan is still under occupation of Armenia for more 20 years. More 1 mil IDPS still cant return to their native lands and their rights were violated by Armenia. Though ceasfire agreement was signed in 1994 between 2 countries, Armenia often violates the ceasefire agreement shelling Azerbaijani villages, houses, schools and civil residents in the front line and Armenia-Azerbaijan border.
International community, especially UN recognizes Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, which is included occupied lands of Azerbaijan by Armenia.
Armenia doesn’t respect international laws and statements and resolutions about solving Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict and rejects to fulfill the 4 resolutions of United Nations (№ 822,853,874 və 884) , in which is noted to withdraw its military troops from occupied lands of Azerbaijan.
The innocent civilians’ killing in Karabakh, especially Zahra’s killing is not only grief of Azerbaijan people, and also the human tragedy of Turkic muslim community. At last Zahra’s killing is a tragedy of humanity. Hundreds of families lost their relatives, children in Karabakh war in Armenia’s aggression. Though it is ceasefire regime, Armenia continues its bloody acts again. That’s not end of Armenia’s crime.
Two Azerbaijani civilians—Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev are still in Armenian hostage in occupied lands of Azerbaijan, where they were born and wanted to visit the graves of their relatives. On july 11 2014 one civilian Hasan Hasanov were killed brutally and 2 civilians were taken hostage. Armenia violates the international law and international human rights declaration rejecting to release them. We call all international community to support justice and to order from Armenia to release these innocent civilians too. They have also human rights to meet their families and children.
We, as World Young Turkic Writers Union call all international and political organizations, human rights institutions, NGO-s etc. not to turn blind eye to this bloody criminal acts and condemn brutal provocation of Armenia and adopt statement, or resolution criticizing such bloody acts.
We want to be ended double standarts in attitude of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, to be punished of Armenia for its occupation policy against Azerbaijan. Remaining Nagorno Karabakh unsolved is a main danger for stability of security of the South Caucasus region and wordwide. So we call international community to support to be ended Armenia’s vandalism against humanity and to restore sovereignty of Azerbaijan in occupied lands. Because we also want to live in peace and safe in the region