Azerbaijani president's aide for public and political issues Ali Hasanov has announced President Ilham Aliyev’s attitude to the demolition of Haji Javad mosque in Sovetsky locality of Baku.
Hasanov told that President Ilham Aliyev halted demolition of Haji Javad mosque in April and gave instruction to create a commission for comprehensive investigation of the issue. The commission investigated the issue and reported to the president that demolition of that mosque is inevitable.
“In accordance with the opinion of the commission, the president made a decision to take the opinion of the local community, build a new mosque and then consider the issue of demolition”, Hasanov added.
Hasanov also noted that upon the instruction of the president, a plot of land and funds have been allocated to build a modern, new mosque in Sharifzade street: “However, some officials make decision arbitrarily to demolish Haji Javad mosque before building a new one. Once president was informed about the issue, he gave instruction to punish those officials”.
Hasanov noted that head of the district executive power Ibrahim Mehdiyev has already been dismissed.