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Terror suspect killed after stabbing police

A suspected terrorist used a bayonet to attack two officers late Friday at a mosque near police headquarters in Jakarta, a national police spokesman told.

The attacker was shot dead by another officer as he tried to escape, according to Inspector Gen. Setyo Wasisto said.

"The police chased the perpetrator and opened fire on his chest and head," said Wasisto.

The pair of injured officers are safe and being treated at a hospital.

The officers had just finished praying the night prayer at the Falatehan mosque when the suspect removed the bayonet and shouted, "thoghut", or unbeliever, and "Allahu Akbar", Arabic for God is Great, during the attack.

Wasisto said the attack was similar to one Sunday in which two militants fatally stabbed a policeman in North Sumatra province just before Muslims celebrated the Eid Al-Fitr holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.

"We are still investigating their relationship," Wasisto said of the two separate attacks.

Indonesia is on high alert after a suicide bombing in Jakarta last month killed three policemen and two attackers.

16:08 01.07.2017