Az Iw En Ru

866 PKK suspects detained in anti-terror ops

A total of 866 PKK terrorists have been detained in anti-terror operations between June 19 and 28, according to a written statement released by the Interior Ministry Wednesday.

Police squads, gendarmerie units, and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) conducted 835 counter-terror operations against the PKK terrorist organization, during which 36 terrorists were killed, 11 were captured alive and 16 others surrendered.

A total of 42 heavy and long barrel weapons, numerous explosives, thousands of pieces of ammunition, 17 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were seized and 27 shelters and caves used by the terrorist organization were destroyed, the statement elaborated.

As part of the operations carried out against foreign terrorists, some 50 Daesh terrorist suspects and 474 people with suspected links to the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) were detained, the statement added.

As part of the fight against irregular migration, 2,696 illegal immigrants, including 626 on sea, and 54 organizers were captured.

01:50 29.06.2017