Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Hikmet Hajiyev told News.Az that the Azerbaijani embassy to the Czech Republic will address the Foreign Ministry of that country to investigate whether the statement was really made by the Czech ambassador to Armenia: "The Czech Republic ambassador to Azerbaijan will also be summoned to the Foreign Ministry. If the statement was really made by the Czech ambassador, it goes contrary to the law and international legal norms and principles. By making such statements the Check ambassador politicizes the legal issues constituting a criminal action.
"A criminal proceeding in line with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan is launched against individuals who pay illegal visits to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, make open calls for the violation of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and constitutional grounds of Azerbaijan, cooperate with the illegal criminal regime, incites ethnic and religious enmity.
"One of them is Czech citizen Jaromír Štětina, who repeatedly paid visits to the occupied Azerbaijani lands with the financial support of the Armenian lobby, abusing the status of a member of the European Parliament and carried out such illegal activities.
"We would like to remind to the ambassador that Chapters IX and X of the Criminal Code of the Czech Republic and, respectively, articles 309, 310, 323 and 324 envisage a term of 10 to 18 years in prison for the activity against the territorial integrity, sovereignty, constitutional grounds and state power of the Czech Republic.
"If Jaromír Štětina acted the same way in the Czech Republic, he would expect such a serious punishment."
However, the Czech government does not take necessary steps to prevent such actions taken by Jaromír Štětina in relation to the Azerbaijan's occupied lands."